Extinction Coefficient(EC)
Capillary Electrophoresis
Liquid chromatography(LC)

Extinction coefficient

Test Introduction

The quantification of purified protein is mainly performed by Dye binding assay and UV spectrophotometry. In the case of UV absorption, more accurate extinction coefficients can be obtained and quantitatively determined by the recognition of the Phenol ring of amino acids, which are the constituents of proteins, since Dye binding assays (Bradford, BCA, etc.) have many errors in determining the exact concentration of purified proteins.


  • Biosimilar
  • Biobetter
  • Antibody
  • Antibody-drug conjugates
  • Recombinant protein drug
  • Toxine
  • vaccine

Analysis Process

  • Standard sample Sample
  • UV
  • Data process

Analysis Result

좌우로 스크롤하여 내용을 확인하세요.
Sample 280nm Conc. M.W Dilution foctor 측정값 ε 이론값 ε Error Error(%)
STD 0.065 1.000 66433 10 43,854 43,824 30 0.1%
TEST-1 0.138 0.984 66422 10 93,378 90,355 3023 3.30%
TEST-2 0.210 1.638 66422 10 85,156 90,355 -5199 -5.80%
TEST-3 0.170 1.241 66422 10 90,811 90,355 456 0.50%