PC2-1 : N-term Sequencing by LC-ESI-MS/MS

Test Introduction

N,C-terminal sequencing is a critical part of protein characterization. N,C-terminus heterogeneity frequently arises as a post translational modification(PTM). For example, therapeutic antibodies frequently arise as N-term modification (pyroglutatic acid) and C-term truncated lysine.
Confirmation of an N,C-terminal sequence can usually be achieved using a combination of peptide mapping strategies and ES-MS/MS sequencing, combined with enzyme digestions and/or molecular weight analysis. PROTEINWORKS’ will choose the most appropriate methods, which will vary according to factors such as peptide or protein size, and the theoretical N,C-terminal amino acid sequence.
N,C-terminal sequence analysis is a key part of the ICH Q6B guidelines for characterization.
PC2-1 is a test method for analyzing N-terminal of protein sequencing using a mass spectrometer. N-terminal of protein is a structure where can be modified in various ways. Using protein-digesting enzymes, protease, confirm the sequencing of N-terminal peptide which consists of 3 ~ 20 types of amino acid through mass spectrometer. It has been known that Pyroglutamic acid modification is one of major modification in Glutamine amino acid.


  • Biosimilar
  • Biobetter
  • Antibody
  • Antibody-drug conjugates
  • Recombinant protein drug
  • Toxin
  • vaccine

Analysis Process

  • Protease Digestion
  • Characterization of peaks
    De-novo sequencing
  • Determination of N-terminal sequence
    and modification

Analysis Result

N-term sequencing